Thursday, July 1, 2010

Things I Wish I Knew Earlier

1. Never try to advance by going into management. There is too much pressure for just a little more pay. Take two jobs if you need more money or quit trying to get so many things. Things don’t make you happy. People make you happy. Make enough money to survive and spend more time with family and friends. Of course go to college so you can get a good job you like. Just don’t choose a job that is going to take all your time. Become a banker or something that has short hours and good pay.

2. Set goals. Once you get to a point where you have no goals you start to lose your will to live. Don’t set crazy goals. Set goals you can reach and then set new ones.

3. Never own your own business unless your whole family is involved in it.

4. When you find the right person stick with them for life. Don’t quit when it starts to get boring or if things get rough. Fix it. Never give up on each other, ever, no matter what. If he cheats, punch him in the nuts and tell him he better not do it again but do not leave.

5. Do not believe something just because someone told you they read it in the Bible. Find it for yourself. Preachers have been taught wrong, are liars, or just tell you what someone else told them. Not all preachers. Some are good people trying to do what they think is right. Just make sure you know what you believe before you go off like a blind sheep. Don’t let someone else tell you what you believe.

6. Keep an open mind about everything. Just because someone looks different or acts different doesn’t mean they are not really cool. Get to know someone before you judge them. Remember you will never, ever, get to know who someone really is on the inside no matter how hard you try. We all have secrets.

7. Keep an open mind to ideas. Aliens exist, there is an afterlife, and Bigfoot is real. Just because a large group of people act like things are not real does not change the fact. Look up facts yourself. Aliens have been with us since the beginning. Just because you do not understand it does not make it “of the Devil” or evil or untrue. Our leaders have hid major secrets from us for many years. If anyone ever said anything about it they would be marked a lunatic or crazy and laughed at. But these same people believe a man came down from heaven and died on a cross to save us from our sins (which I believe this too, just making a point). Which sounds more believable?

8. Be role models. Don’t teach by saying, teach by doing.

9. Love everybody. Make everyone your friend. Who cares what others think. That person you made your friend may have needed just that to survive.

10. NEVER take something that is not yours!! No matter how you justify it in your head it is wrong and has strong repercussions. The universe does not play fair. Do not ever break this rule!!!
If you will do these things in this city, soon it will spread to other cities and then one day the world. Never give up on making the world a better place. If I had known these things early in life, I would have been a much better person. All of these rules I have broken in repetition. You see how my life turned out.

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